The Curse of the Voynich

Join in with the Voynich Skypecast!

On Sunday 7th January 2007 at 20:00 GMT (12:00 PST, etc), well-known Voynich researcher Nick Pelling will be hosting a Skypecast on the Voynich Manuscript, the subject of his fascinating book "The Curse of the Voynich".

As far as the enigmatic Voynich Manuscript goes, opinions vary wildly - is it a hoax, a cipher, a lost language, a madman's written ravings, or someone channelling an end-times message from aliens? In which century was it made? And by whom? And - most of all - what does it say?

Nick Pelling's book argues that it was created in 1465 in Milan and Rome by a disillusioned Renaissance architect/engineer to hold his books of secrets - but what do you think? Join the Skypecast to discuss this with other Voynich researchers and enthusiasts from all over the world...

Anyone with Skype can join in (and just as with all Skype-to-Skype calls, it's free)... but there's a tiny hitch. Currently, prescheduled 'Skypecasts' don't seem to work reliably (or at all) for users in the UK's timezone, so Nick Pelling will start up a Skypecast by hand a few minutes before time, and then update this web-page with a join-this-Skypecast direct link RIGHT HERE (if that's not underlined, don't click it!)

If you happen to have missed this particular Skypecast, please have a look at the Compelling Events blog, which lists upcoming events where Compelling Press authors will be present, either in person or online.